Five Patients Share Their Experiences with Scleral Lenses
How has your vision been since switching to scleral lenses?
“It has been very clear, a lot better than my soft contacts and a lot more comfortable all day. My favorite thing is that I can tell that my vision is corrected as perfectly as it can.”
How did your life change when you got scleral lenses?
“It changed dramatically, I am a traveling nurse, driving early morning and late at night. I can now drive at night and the lights don’t bother me, It has helped me tremendously for my job. I have been wearing sclerals for over 3 years and I could never go back to regular hard contacts.”
Tell us what your vision was like with your old contacts?
“I had 20/50 vision with contact lenses, and now I can see 20/25 and I have gone down on my reading glasses from 2.0 to 1.5. And the great part is I can’t even tell I have anything in my eyes. The biggest thing about sclerals is keeping them clean and taking care of them.”
What is your history before sclerals?
“I was a keratoconus patient, I first had a corneal transplant on one eye and then the other. Did you try contacts after corneal transplant? I did but after 2 hours they hurt too much. Tell me the difference in your vision? There are no words to articulate, when I look at people I see detail like never before, it is like night and day.”
How Sclerals Changed Your Life?
“In middle school, I was diagnosed with Astigmatism and wore contact lenses, but in college, I started having issues and was diagnosed as having the early stages Keratoconus. I went to a lot of eye doctors, tried a lot of contacts, and eventually I underwent a corneal transplant. The surgery was not successful, and my vision remained as it was before surgery. Driving at night was no longer something that I could do because of blinding glare. Scleral Lenses literally changed my life, I didn’t know what I was missing.”
If you’re seeking relief for your astigmatism, keratoconus, misshapen corneas or dry eyes, our doctors can help. services patients from Clifton, Arlington, Sterling, Alexandria, and throughout Virginia.